
Understanding Niche Healthcare Concerns and Finding Help

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Understanding Niche Healthcare Concerns and Finding Help

Hello, my name is Kat, and for years, I suffered from un-diagnosed autoimmune issues. I became a "regular" at my health care clinic. Through the process, I learned how to support my immune system in the best ways possible. I also learned how to live with an un-diagnosed issue, how to talk with my doctors, how to bring up useful questions and much more. If you are working through a chronic illness or if you are feeling ill but not sure why, this blog is devoted to you. It has posts on niche healthcare concerns and tips on finding help. Thanks for reading!


Special considerations of a child with auditory processing disorder in test situations

Auditory processing disorder is a disease that affects the brain's capability of receiving and interpreting sounds. If you're a teacher teaching a child with auditory processing disorder, you probably already know about certain measures that need to be taken in order for the child to receive the education they need, like speaking loudly and allowing the child to sit in front of the classroom. However, the auditory processing disorder shouldn't just be considered when teaching, you should also remember it when the child is taking a test. To make the child with auditory processing disorder benefit from test as much as other children without the disorder, there are a few things you should consider.


Preparations for tests are more difficult for a child with auditory processing disorder than for other children, that is why you need to make sure they register all the instructions that are given about the test. You could provide them with a written summary on what you've already said out loud about what the test is going to be about. If you've noticed that the child has had difficulty in perceiving the information that the test is going to be about, you could arrange for the pupil to have another child share their notes with them.

While taking the test

When taking the test, the child should receive special treatment regarding where and how they take the test. Provide them with a private, quiet environment, as the tiniest noise from fellow pupils could interfere with any hearing aid they might be wearing. It also makes it easier for them to concentrate if they don't have to constantly strain their hearing to perceive anything you might say to the children during the test. You could also allow them a longer time than the other children to finish the test, as their premises for having learned everything that's on the test are different from the other children's.

The grading process

As auditory processing disorder might cause the student to learn things differently or more poorly than other students, you should consider that while grading the tests. Minor spelling errors in an otherwise correct answer don't need to be corrected with drawing points from the test, as the child might not be aware of the spelling errors. Instead, correct the errors face to face at another time when it's not a test situation. You should also take the work the child does in the classroom under larger consideration than you do for other children. If the child didn't manage to answer things correctly in the test, even though you know they have understood the answers in class, you might want to put this in higher regard than the written answer.